KOVAR Accepts Credit Card/Debit Card/Checking Account Donations Through Give Direct.
These Donations Can Be One Time Or Reoccurring.
KOVAR Accepts Donations Of Vehicles Through Charitable Adult Rides & Services (CARS).
KOVAR has been asked in the past about being able to accept property, stock, or beneficiary of insurance.
Please contact the Treasurer of KOVAR for information at treasurer@kovarva.org or click the Info button for insurance agencies.
Donor-advised funds, or DAF, have become an increasingly popular charitable giving vehicle in recent years. These funds allow donors to make tax-deductible contributions to an account and then recommend how those funds should be distributed to nonprofit organizations over time. Click on the text below. Donors who have a current DAF should enter the financial organization having their DAF. If you don’t have a DAF please contact your financial manager to establish a Donor Advised Fund
Make checks payable to KOVAR.
Send the check to:
P. O. Box 20872
Roanoke, VA 24018-0088
KOVAR is listed with both the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) and United Way of the Greater Capital Area.
CFC - #42569
United Way Campaigns in the Greater D.C. Area - #8838
Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign - State Employees - #200467
KOVAR’s Taxpayer Identification Number is 23-7337216
If you would like to run an event and use the KOVAR name to raise money for KOVAR, please contact the Vice President of Fundraising to obtain permission and use of the logo at: